Shia refute their imams holy book

Ghurar alhikam wa durar alkalim by abdul wahid altamimi collections of short quotations and aphoris ms by imam ali misbah ul mutahaj id by shaykh tusi a collection of duas mafatih aljinan collect ed by shaykh abbas qummi collections of dua supplications. We request the shia brothers and sisters to read these points in. I am a sunni muslim and follow the hanafi school of jurisprudence and am a barelvi those sunni hanafi muslims from the indian subcontinent. The imams from ahlebayt whom shia consider to be their divinely appointed imams were continue reading. This volume of alkafi, which is about seven hundred pages, is considered to be a text of an interview with a. Shiavault holds a variety of shia islamic books for online reading and in ereader formats epubmobi to the benefit of muslims and nonmuslims. None of ahlubayt subscribed to the false beliefs of these rafida shia. Therefore, shia muslims often venerate the imams as saints. There are numerous sunni collections of traditions which all recorded the following. Why do sunnis try to refute shiahism by saying their imams are not in the quran, while none of the sunni. Questions for shias, who believe that imams are superior to prophets. Shias imams did not advocate the blasphemous beliefs of the shia. They are the only shia muslim community today led by a present and living hazir wa mawjud imam.

At the time of muhammad, some of the supporters of ali, particularly miqdad ibn alaswad, salman the persian, abu dharr alghifari, and. The shia view of the quran differs from the sunni view, but the majority of both groups believe that the text is identical. The arguments regarding why they are infallible are more or less similar to. Many sunnis believe that husseiniyat are shia mosques, governed by the imamate, where prayers are held. In the name of allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Sunnis do not refute shias by saying their imams are not in the quran. The term twelver is derived from the doctrine of believing in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as the twelve imams.

Ghurar alhikam wa durar alkalim by abdul wahid altamimi collections of short quotations and aphorisms by imam ali misbah ul mutahajid by shaykh tusi a collection of duas mafatih aljinan collected by shaykh abbas qummi collections of dua supplications. Shiavault holds a variety of shia islamic books for online reading and in ereader formats epubmobi. First of all, let me tell you about myself so you will know from which angle my answer is coming from. All the prophets and their successors imams were infallible masoom. These imams have the role of providing commentary and. This is the series of articles where we have proven that the imams from ahlebayt whom shia consider to be their divinely appointed imams were on the creed of ahlesunnah wal jamaah. According to nasir aldin altusi, the imam is a means. The holy book of all the people who claim to be muslims is one and the only the holy quran. However, the quran does not specify the twelve imams after the prophet s in detail. Shia muslims believe that the imam is sinless by nature and that his authority is infallible because it comes directly from god.

It is only after the establishment of this concept in the christian holy book that. The sunni branch of islam does not have imams in the same sense as the shia, an important distinction often overlooked by those outside of the islamic religion. What do sunnis say about it and how cna i refute their. The imams knowledge and the quran according to alfa. Some english books on shia beliefs a shiite encyclopedia al. By praying to stones made from the shrines of their imams and saints, the shia are practising a polythiestic and paganistic act of graveworshipping. Kharijites doubt in the past and wahhabis in the present are the same.

Sunnis versus shia s shiites as mentioned in quran a refutation and exposition of sorces of shiism what shia s say about their 12 imams what shiites say about sunnis a response to peshawar nights peshawar nights the first session replying against shia from the shia s most authentic book. Why do sunnis try to refute shiahism by saying their imams are not. Imam muhammad shirazi if islam were to be established in iraq pdf imam muhammad shirazi islamic beliefs for all pdf imam muhammad shirazi islamic law acts of worship pdf imam muhammad shirazi the bible and christianity pdf imam muhammad shirazi the family in islam pdf imam muhammad shirazi the islamic system of. One should first be wary of the completely unique status of imams in shia islam. They both agree on the fundamentals of islam and share the same holy book. The holy quran describes them as ulil amr, who we must obey. Was khomeini the twelfth occult imam of the shias who.

While some shia disputed the canonical validity of the uthmanic codex, the shia imams always rejected the idea of alteration of qurans text. These books include hand written quran by imam ali murtada, jafr, jabr and mushaf fatima codex of fatima. In this article, we have brought some thought provoking questions and points for shias as they believe that, imams are superior to prophets. Imam jafar alsadiq for instance, is the teacher of imam malik and imam abuhanifa. The line of imams of the nizari ismaili shia muslims also known as the aghakhani ismailis in south and central asia continues to their present living 49th hereditary imam, aga khan iv son of prince aly khan. This book is dedicated to the ahlul bayt and the 12th living imam muhammad mahdi as. Imamah further says that imams possess divine knowledge and authority as well as being part of the ahl albayt, the family of muhammad. Wahhabism refuted by the prophet s the companions seek the blessing of the prophets hair. What i said was based on the statements of shia scholars, e.

According to the shia, these are books divinely inspired from allah. Shia imams preserved this book until it came into the possession of the 12th imam, whom shias believe will return with the book at the end of days. Why do sunnis try to refute shiahism by saying their imams. Shia do not believe that imams can guide independently from god, the guidance is only from god. It is the task of the imams as the speaking book of god to reveal the inner meaning and the details. Unlike the sunni caliphs, the shia imams generally lived in. The shia doctrine came much after the 4 rightly guided caliphs. They believe in holy quran as the pure and complete book from god.

According to momen shiite imams had certain books including of fatimah mashafe fatimah a. Before refuting the allegation that the shia believe in the imams ilham and. These imams have the role of providing commentary and interpretation of the quran as well as guidance. The views towards imams being infallible is similar to views towards the prophet being infallible. They perform pilgrimages to their tombs and shrines in the hopes of divine intercession. This is a refutation of the faction that claims that the quran is what is in the known copies and as. The sunni muslims believe that the holy quran is safe and complete in all respects. Twelver shia or the ithnaashariyyah is the largest branch of shia islam, and the term shia muslim often refers to the twelvers by default. U know we have a hadith in sahih bukhari, muslim and musnad of imam ahmed about there being 12 imams after prophet muhammad as all from quraysh. As a matter of fact, the answer is right inside the sahih albukhari and muslim.

In 610, when muhammad received the first revelation, ali was 10 years old. Ali shariati a renowned shia scholar of iran said in his book fatima is fatima you made a claim that this might not be the actual opinion of majlisi when i quoted him. Alkafi is a fundamental and classic shia text written by the fourteen infallible family members of prophet muhammad, divine supreme covenant body to their followers. We hope that all can benefit from this library and the books found therein, and ask all whom visit for their prayers and suggestions as to how to better enhance their experience, as well as to share this page with family and friends so that the teachings of the holy prophet sawa and his ahl albayt as may be spread further and the true. Their oppression and suffering served greater purposes and were a means of divine grace to their devotees. However, in reality, they are simply shia meeting places, separate from their. The answers provided have as resources the holy quran and tradition books of ahlul sunnah. Differences between sunni and shia muslims sunni and shia islam are the two largest branches of islam with significant similarities, as well as major differences, between their beliefs.

The shia and the sunni refute the wahabis imam reza a. In shiite commentaries on the quran, the hidden meaning of the text is seen in its references. Shias main reference books are full of lies in the form of fabricated narrations falsely attributed to their imams or to prophet mohammad s. You people believe that the imams possess special holy books that nobody else can see, and these holy books are what give the infallible imams all their immense knowledge. Islamic library shia islamic pdfs now in collaboration. With this book the authors try to bridge the gap between muslims by answering the most common questions that arise when sunni and shia debate. Their words and actions show what the quran teaches.

Questions for shias, who believe that imams are superior. The imams have the book of fatima, aljafr, and aljami. Imam khomeini was the previous supreme leader of iran who was considered as a founder of islamic republic iran beside the people who did islamic revolution of iran but he is not consist of 12 shia imams, haply he hadhas another. There are 12 successors one after another of our holy prophet.

The remaining 9 imams continued this divine guidance, particularly through. The aim of this book is to present the perfect morals of the holy imams. And more importantly, why is the hidden imam hiding holy books from us. They guide us towards the truth and are the best example of virtue for us to follow. All members of ahlulbayt the family of the holy prophet belong to sunni muslims.

Shia scholars interesting views on the occultation of his. Why has allah not mentioned shia imams in his holy book. They believe in 12 holy imams from prophets lineage ahlulbayt. Only seven shia scholars have believed in omissions in the uthmanic codex.

It is a shia islamic belief based on several hadith found in above mentioned books, that there are several other books which are always under possession of current imam, these books are never in possessions of people. The shia also believe in holy books after the quran, including the mushaf fatima book of fatima, aljamia, and aljafr the parchment. The shia ulema have declared that no turbah has a higher sacredness than a turbah made from imam hussains shrine, not even the stone from the holy kaabah. Where did the twelve imams as come from and why should the number of imams be twelve and twelve only. Shia point of view about caliphate imamate posted on june 8, 20 by mariam fatimah shia 12 imamia which is the major group of shia school of thought believes that there are the 12 successors of prophet mohammad pbuh those are 12 imams or 12 caliphs.

Despite differences between sunni and shia muslims, both respect the quran as the holy book. Actually iceman, you need to re read your books and get an understanding of how the books work. Lets learn about the 12 imams 8 the 12 imams are the guardians of the holy quran. They extend the prophethood through their imams, who are considered by them to be superior to prophets other than prophet muhammad. Lets learn about the 12 imams shia books for children. Sunnis also do not claim that the 4 rightly guided caliphs are mentioned in quran. The first book is of a sunni brother who was exposed to the shia for the first time, after studying several sunni madhabs, including. Altijani alsamawi as for the criticism, revilement, exaggeration and the accusation of disbelief that the wahabis raise against the shia because they take the prophet s and his progeny the infallible imams a. What is the sunni muslim view on the 12 imams of shia. Companions and caliphs seek blessings in the prophets belongings after his death.

In shia islam, the imamah is a doctrine which asserts that certain individuals from the lineage of the prophet muhammad are to be accepted as leaders and guides of the ummah after the death of the prophet. In everyday terms, the imam for sunni muslims is the one who leads islamic formal prayers, even in locations besides the mosque, whenever prayers are done in a group of two or more with one person leading imam and the. Shia point of view about caliphate imamate shia sunni. The shia reject both of these central tenets of islam. The following book list is for the imam alkhoei islamic foundation. They not only helped the prophet but guided the muslim community after the prophets death. There are numerous solid arguments based on logic and shariah refuting their. Their oppression and suffering served greater purposes and were a means of divine grace to. Imamah further says that imams possess divine knowledge and authority. Imamat, or belief in the divine guide, is a fundamental belief in the twelver shia doctrine and is based on the concept that god would not leave humanity without access to divine guidance.